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Databases and resources on Invasive Aquatic Species

To access any database click on the image of the options below: 

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Records which marine species in the World Register of Marine species (WoRMS) have been introduced deliberately or accidentally by human activities to geographic areas outside their native range. It excludes species that colonised new locations naturally (so called ‘range extensions’), even if in response to climate change.

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Invasive Species Compendium

The ISC is an encyclopaedic resource that brings together a wide range of different types of science-based information to support decision-making in invasive species management worldwide. It comprises detailed datasheets that have been written by experts, edited by an independent scientific organization, peer reviewed, and enhanced with data from specialist organizations, images, and maps, a bibliographic database and full text articles. New datasheets and data sets continue to be added, datasheets are reviewed and updated, and scientific literature added on a weekly basis. The ISC has been resourced by a diverse international Consortium of Government departments, Non-governmental organizations and private companies. The database is a living compendium and will grow over time.

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Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe

Developed as part of the Delivering Alien Invasive Species In Europe (DAISIE) project funded by the sixth framework programme of the European Commission (Contract Number: SSPI-CT-2003-511202). It provides a ‘one-stop-shop’ for information on biological invasions in Europe, delivered via an international team of leading experts in the field of biological invasions, latest technological developments in database design and display, and an extensive network of European collaborators and stakeholders. Data has been collated for vertebrates, invertebrates, marine and inland aquatic organisms as well as plants from up to 101 countries/regions (including islands) in the wider Europe. Over 248 datasets have been assembled and verified by experts, representing the largest database on invasive species in the world.

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Marine Biosecurity Porthole

The Marine Biosecurity Porthole contains the most complete source of information on the national distribution of non-native marine species in New Zealand. Search collated national data and read about research and management of marine pests in New Zealand.

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National Introduced Marine Pest Information System

Database and information resources developed and compiled by the Australian Government. The database is a one-stop portal to gain access to all information related to marine pests in relation to all industries, recreational and community activities. Includes a scientific database of marine pests that could be introduced in the future, are already in Australian waters or are native to some locations but a pest in others.

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Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database

Central repository for biodiversity related research and monitoring data from the Dutch Caribbean



Inventario nacional de especies de Chile

En este sitio solamente se presentan 3.500 especies de un total aproximado de 33.000 especies nativas que habitan en Chile.
El número de especies exóticas dentro del inventario también es inferior al total de exóticas en el país.

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Information system on aquatic 
non-indigenous and cryptogenic species

AquaNIS is an online information system on the aquatic Non-Indigenous Species (NIS), and species which might be considered as NIS, i.e. cryptogenic species. The system stores and disseminates information on NIS introduction histories, recipient regions, taxonomy, biological traits, impacts, and other relevant documented data. Currently, the system contains data on NIS introduced to marine, brackish and coastal freshwater of Europe and neighboring regions, but may be extended to other parts of the World.

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Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species

Developed with co-funding from the European Union through the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity within the framework of the Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership (GIASI Partnership). The GIASI Partnership has come together in order to assist Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, and others, implement Article 8(h) and Target 9 of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets – “By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment”

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European Network on Invasive Alien Species

Includes a central database with updated information from all the countries in North and Central Europe, factsheets of the most invasive species in the region, access to an identification key to marine invasive species, newsletters, a species alert function for new invasive species to the region, an invasive species photo bank, and information about the national legislation on invasive alien species in the region.The database also provides information on how the species is introduced, its distribution in the region, what habitats it may inhabit, what ecological and socio-economical effects it may have and references to relevant literature.

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Non-indigenous Aquatic Species database

Information resource for the United States Geological Survey. Located at Gainesville, Florida, this site has been established as a central repository for spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of introduced aquatic species. The program provides scientific reports, online/realtime queries, spatial data sets, distribution maps, and general information. The data are made available for use by biologists, interagency groups, and the general public. The geographical coverage is the United States.

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National Invasive Species Information Center

The United States gateway to invasive species information; covering federal, state, local and international sources.
Invasive species are plants, animals, or pathogens that are non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration, and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause harm. Developed by the US Department of Agriculture.

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Great Britain non-native species information portal

The Portal provides access to distribution data for over 3000 non-native species in GB as well as additional information such as place or origin, date of introduction and methods of introduction. For 300 species much more detailed information is provided, including information on identification, impacts and control methods. The GB Non-native Species Projects Database also covers non-native species projects of all sizes in Great Britain, from local action group projects to nationwide surveys. 



Plataforma Brasileira de Bioinvasao

Bioinvasão Brasil é uma plataforma digital desenvolvida com o objetivo de disponibilizar registros de espécies exóticas invasoras no Brasil. Queremos disseminar a temática da bioinvasão para a sociedade, fornecendo subsídios para o combate desses bioinvasores. E tudo gratuitamente.

A iniciativa de criar a Plataforma é um desejo antigo do Projeto Coral-Sol. Hoje, através do subprojeto “O CONTROLE DO CORAL-SOL E A CONSERVAÇÃO MARINHA”, realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Biodiversidade, em parceria com o Laboratório de Ecologia Marinha Bêntica da UERJ e financiado pelo Projeto de Apoio à Pesquisa Marinha e Pesqueira no Rio de Janeiro, do Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (FUNBIO), a ideia ganhou corpo. A Plataforma se concretizou como um portal bem mais amplo, que inicialmente inclui todas as espécies exóticas invasoras marinhas no Brasil, possibilitando expandir para outros ambientes futuramente.

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Global Invasive Species Database

The Global Invasive Species Database is a free, online searchable source of information about alien and invasive species that negatively impact biodiversity. The GISD aims to increase public awareness about invasive species and to facilitate effective prevention and management activities by disseminating specialist’s knowledge and experience to a broad global audience. It focuses on invasive alien species that threaten native biodiversity and natural areas and covers all taxonomic groups from micro-organisms to animals and plants.

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Global Biodiversity Information Facility

International network and research infrastructure funded by the world’s governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.

Coordinated through its Secretariat in Copenhagen, the GBIF network of participating countries and organizations, working through participant nodes, provides data-holding institutions around the world with common standards and open-source tools that enable them to share information about where and when species have been recorded. This knowledge derives from many sources, including everything from museum specimens collected in the 18th and 19th century to geotagged smartphone photos shared by amateur naturalists in recent days and weeks.



Mediterranean Science Commission Atlas of Exotic Species 

The Atlas consist of four volumes, each written by a group of specialists in their respective field. Individual species pages are designed to stand alone as information sheets with illustrations, diagonistic features, biological information, references and a distribution map for each exotic species. The CIESM task force experts will continuously review reliable evidence of new or confirmed records thus updating and expanding the Atlas.

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National Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System

NEMESIS is a resource for information on non-native (or exotic) species that occur in coastal marine waters of the United States. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) has developed and maintains a national database of marine and estuarine invasions of the continental U.S. and Alaska. This relational database compiles detailed information on approximately 500 different non-native species of plants, fish, invertebrates, protists and algae that have invaded our coastal waters. The database identifies which species have been reported, their current population status (i.e., whether established or not), as well as when, where, and how they invaded; it also summarizes key information on the biology, ecology, and known impacts of each invader. 

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Great Lakes Aquatic Non-indigenous Species Information System

A one-stop shop for information about aquatic nonindigenous species in the Laurentian Great Lakes region of North America. The site provides the best available information to limit the introduction, spread, and impact of ANS in the Great Lakes by providing a comprehensive set of tools including species profiles, a custom-generated list of invadersa mapping toolrisk assessments, and more.  The species included in GLANSIS are wholly aquatic taxa: this means that it does not provide data on reptiles, amphibians and waterfowl, since they spend substantial portions of their lives outside the water. 



Especies marinas costeras introducidas en Colombia

Sitio de información sobre Especies Introducidas Marinas y Costeras de Colombia - INVEMAR


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